Common Serviceberry

(Amelanchier arborea)

Other Information

Physical Characteristics

Type: Shrub or Small Tree

Height: 15 - 25 ft

Spread: 15 - 25 ft

Flower Color: White

Flower Time: Early Spring (Mar - Apr)

Fruit Type: Pome (Berry)

Fruit Color: Red / Purple

Autumn Color: Red / Orange / Yellow

Sun Conditions: Full Sun / Part Shade

Shade Tolerance: High

Moisture Preference: Medium

Deer Resistance*: Medium

Dog Safe**: No (Toxic)

Conservation Status (MD): SNR - Unranked

Other Names: Downy Serviceberry, Juneberry, Shadbush

*Deer resistance can vary based on many factors

**Always consult with a veterinarian about plants toxic to dogs and other animals

Wildlife Benefits:

Common Serviceberry is a larval host and supports 124 species of moths and butterflies. Over 40 species of birds and dozens of mammal species eat the fruits. It is also an early pollen and nectar source for many pollinators.

Plants similar to Common Serviceberry:

Hamamelis virginiana - Witch Hazel

Lindera benzoin - Spicebush

Vaccinium corymbosum - Highbush Blueberry