
(Cephalanthus occidentalis)

Other Information

Physical Characteristics

Type: Shrub

Height: 6 - 12 ft

Spread: 4 - 8 ft

Flower Color: White / Cream

Flower Time: Summer (Jun - Aug)

Fruit Type: Nutlet

Fruit Color: Reddish Brown / Tan

Autumn Color: Insignificant

Sun Conditions: Full Sun / Part Shade

Shade Tolerance: Medium

Moisture Preference: Medium / High

Deer Resistance*: Medium / High

Dog Safe**: No (Toxic)

Conservation Status (MD): SNR - Unranked

Other Names:

*Deer resistance can vary based on many factors

**Always consult with a veterinarian about plants toxic to dogs and other animals

Wildlife Benefits:

Buttonbush flowers produce pollen and nectar that attracts many pollinators including occasionally hummingbirds. The seeds are eaten by birds during fall migration and the winter. Shrubs are sometimes used as cover and nesting sites for birds. It is a larval host for several caterpillar species.

Plants similar to Buttonbush: