Mountain Laurel

(Kalmia latifolia)

Other Information

Physical Characteristics

Type: Shrub

Height: 5 - 15 ft

Spread: 5 - 12 ft

Flower Color: White / Pink

Flower Time: Late Spring (May - Jun)

Fruit Type: Seed Capsule

Fruit Color: Brown

Autumn Color: Evergeen

Sun Conditions: Part Shade (Tolerates more sun)

Shade Tolerance: High

Moisture Preference: Medium

Deer Resistance*: Medium

Dog Safe**: No (Toxic)

Conservation Status (MD): SNR - Unranked

Other Names:

*Deer resistance can vary based on many factors

**Always consult with a veterinarian about plants toxic to dogs and other animals

Wildlife Benefits:

Mountain Laurel attracts pollinators primarily with pollen (but also produces small amounts of nectar). Provides winter cover for birds and small mammals. Black bears can use mountain laurel thickets as "ground dens". It is a larval host for the Laurel sphinx moth.

Plants similar to Mountain Laurel: